Jekyll with GitHub Pages on Windows

Jekyll with GitHub Pages is an awesome way to create, manage, and host your blog or project/organization site. Knight Codes is built using these technologies and they have proven to be fantastic to work with.


There are a lot of advantages to using Jekyll with GitHub pages including:

  1. Ability to use Markdown instead of HTML (you can still use HTML if you want to though)
  2. Jekyll makes it easy to set up common templates for things like headers, footers, etc.
  3. GitHub Pages provides a simplified build process for your site (all you do is commit your changes)
  4. Your site is source controlled with Git

This post does not aim to teach you about Jekyll or GitHub Pages in depth, but is here to guide you through setting up your environment on Windows and getting things running. I found a lot of useful content out there, but nothing that I could follow from start to finish and have a working site by the end of it. This is especially true since I am running on Windows. Also, I ran into a few snags along the way that these instructions should help you avoid.

NOTE: These instruction assume you are making a personal page (e.g. blog). If you are making a page for a project, organization, etc. the only change is that you will need to name your GitHub repository and/or branch differently than instructed below. GitHub lays out all the options for you based on your needs.

GitHub Setup

1. Create the GitHub repository

Create a new repository in GitHub with the naming pattern of (e.g. if your GitHub username is coder123, then it would be Your repository name must use this naming pattern!

I would highly recommend creating this repository in the GitHub website. This enables you to set up some useful things right from the get go. You can set the repository as public or private, initialize the repository with a README file, add a license, and best of all add the default Jekyll .gitignore file. You can do this from the command line if you want, but I think using the website is easier in this scenario.

2. Add a Gemfile to the repository

Create a new file named Gemfile (no file extension) in the master branch of your repository and add the following content:

source ''
gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins

3. Clone your repository from GitHub to local machine

Do this however you want (e.g. command line, GitHub for Windows, etc.)

Local Setup

1. Install a version of Ruby that is 2.0.0 > and <= Ruby 2.2.4

Check to see if you already have a version of Ruby in this range installed by running ruby -v. If you already do then you can move on to the next step. If you do not (or if Ruby is not installed at all), install Ruby by downloading and running the Ruby Installer. At the time of this writing there is an issue with some Jekyll dependencies and Ruby v2.3.0. This will be fixed in the future. During installation make sure to select the option to ‘Add Ruby exectuables to your path’. You will need to close and re-open your command line once the installation finishes.

2. Install the Ruby Development Kit

Go to the Ruby Installer page and download the Development Kit. Be sure to download the version that is for Ruby 2.0.0 or higher and matches the bit version (32/64 bit) that you have for Ruby. Follow these installation instructions.

3. Install Bundler

Run gem install bundler from anywhere.

4. Install Jekyll (and it’s dependencies) using Bundler

Go to the root directory of your repository (where the Gemfile is) and run bundle install. This will install Jekyll and other dependencies using the GitHub Pages gem.

5. Generate Jekyll site (only if you are creating a new site)

Only do this if you are creating a new site. Run bundle exec jekyll new . --force from the root directory of your repository. This will create a Jekyll template site for you.

6. Build and run Jekyll site locally

Build your Jekyll site locally by running bundle exec jekyll serve from the root directory of your repository. Wait a few seconds and it should say something like ‘Server running… press ctrl-c to stop.’. Open up a browser and go to http://localhost:4000 to see your Jekyll site running locally. Hooray!

A nice added benefit is that Jekyll will watch for any file changes while it serves your site locally, and will automatically update the files it serves (you will still need to refresh the page). Pretty cool!

7. “Deploy” site to GitHub

This part is easy! To “Deploy” your site changes to GitHub all you have to do is make a commit to the master branch of your repository. GitHub takes care of the rest!

8. See your Jekyll site hosted from GitHub

Open a browser and go to (this might take a minute or two)