Angular 2 Routes with ASP.NET MVC - How do I get them to play nice together?

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Angular 2 and ASP.NET MVC both have powerful routing functionality. However, getting them to play nicely together can sometimes be a struggle. This quickly becomes apparent when using the Angular 2 router’s PathLocationStrategy, its default HTML 5 style of routing, and trying to reconcile your client-side and server-side routes.


When using the PathLocationStrategy in Angular 2 the router composes a natural URL instead of the traditional hash URL that Angular 1 composes. As an example, here is the difference between the two types of URLs for a “Contact List” page:

Natural URL:

Hash URL

The Problem

Back when using Angular 1 (or if you instead decide to use the Angular 2 HashLocationStrategy) your client-side routes wouldn’t ever conflict with your server-side routes because of the existence of the # in the URL. But now with the natural URL that Angular 2 composes, our server-side routes and client-side routes can be in conflict.

In our “Contact List” example above the ASP.NET MVC router would look for a List action method on a Contact controller. Is this what we want? Well… maybe. We might in fact want ASP.NET MVC to serve a specific Razor template, although we might have intended for the Angular 2 router to be used instead to take us to a specific component view. Or maybe something completely different. The point is that the server-side router doesn’t know, so we have to tell it what we want.

The Solution

Our solution has to allow the ASP.NET MVC router to handle server-side routes, and allow the Angular 2 router to handle client-side routes when appropriate. So, we need something that can tell the router which kind of route it is.

This is a great scenario for an ASP.NET MVC route constraint. All we need to do is create a class that inherits from the IRouteConstraint interface that .NET provides. Below is a simple route constraint named ServerRouteConstraint that receives a delegate in its constructor of type Func<Uri, bool>. It will look at a Uri and return a bool indicating if the URL is for a server-side route or not. The routing pipeline in ASP.NET MVC will call the Match() function for us, which just calls the delegate that we passed into the constructor. This class is left generic intentionally to allow for us to define whatever logic we want.

public class ServerRouteConstraint : IRouteConstraint
    private readonly Func<Uri, bool> _predicate;

    public ServerRouteConstraint(Func<Uri, bool> predicate)
        this._predicate = predicate;

    public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, 
        RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
        return this._predicate(httpContext.Request.Url);

We can now add a constraint to our route definition(s). In the example below we have the typical {controller}/{action}/{id} default route using an instance of ServerRouteConstraint. Our implementation says that if the request URL path starts with /Settings we will consider it to be a server-side route. If a request URL came in with a path that started with /Contacts/List, the constraint would be false and the next route definition would be tried.

The next route definition named “angular” is a catch-all route ({*url} matches anything) and will use whatever default controller & action we tell it to. This should be set to the view where you bootstrap your Angular 2 app. What this means is that the ASP.NET MVC router will not try to find a List action method on a Contact controller, but rather it will end up passing it on to the Angular router.

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)


        name: "default",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new {controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional},
        // Set a constraint to only use this for routes identified as server-side routes
        constraints: new
            serverRoute = new ServerRouteConstraint(url =>
                return url.PathAndQuery.StartsWith("/Settings", 

    // This is a catch-all for when no other routes matched. Let the Angular 2 router take care of it
        name: "angular",
        url: "{*url}",
        defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" } // The view that bootstraps Angular 2

The nice thing about the ServerRouteConstraint is that you can implement whatever logic you want to determine if a URL is for a server-side route. Maybe for your Angular 2 route setup all your routes start with /app. In that case the delegate you pass to ServerRouteConstraint could be something like this:

url =>
    return !url.PathAndQuery.StartsWith("/app", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

This setup has been the best way for me to accomplish having my Angular 2 routes and my ASP.NET MVC routes play nicely together. I’d welcome any feedback, suggestions, or questions you may have. Thanks!