Logging To A Database With NLog

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Expanding upon my previous post Logging To A File With NLog, updating our configuration to have NLog log to a database is easy. If you have not already seen that post, please give it a read before continuing on. Otherwise let’s get started.


There are a few steps to have NLog begin logging to a database (very similar to logging to a file):

  1. Install the NLog and NLog.Config package into our project via NuGet in Visual Studio
  2. Add a connection string to our configuration file for the database we want to connect to
  3. Create the table that will hold our exception data and the stored procedure NLog will call to insert the exception data
  4. Add a logging target to NLog.config (this file is added automatically when the NuGet packages are installed)
  5. Add a logger to NLog.config that utilizes the target we created
  6. Create a new Logger object and use the methods it provides

Basic Example

For our example we are going to configure NLog to log exceptions to a database table using a stored procedure. We could just as easily configured it to perform trace logging, log warning messages, etc., but this will give us a basic understanding.

Install NuGet Packages

The first thing we need to do is install the NLog and NLog.Config packages into our project via NuGet. This will add the NLog library to the project references, as well as the NLog.config (and the corresponding XML schema NLog.xsd) that is used to configure NLog.

Add Connection String

Now we need to add a connection string to our configuration file (e.g. app.config) for the database that we want to connect to. There is nothing special about this connection string, however take note of the name attribute because we will make reference to it later. In our example it is named NLog:

    <!-- update this connection string to work for your database -->
    <add name="NLog" connectionString="Data Source=.\;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=true;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Create Exception Table And Stored Procedure

We now need to create the table that will hold our exception data and the stored procedure that will insert data into this table. We will create a SQL table named dbo.Logs and a stored procedure named dbo.InsertLog. The LogId and LoggedOnDate columns will get default values and the rest of the columns will come from the stored procedure parameters.

	Create Logs table to hold exception data

	NOTE: I am using varchar(max) because I am being lazy, use whatever lengths are appropriate for you

create table [dbo].[Logs](
	[LogId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) not null,
	[Level] [varchar](max) not null,
	[CallSite] [varchar](max) not null,
	[Type] [varchar](max) not null,
	[Message] [varchar](max) not null,
	[StackTrace] [varchar](max) not null,
	[InnerException] [varchar](max) not null,
	[AdditionalInfo] [varchar](max) not null,
	[LoggedOnDate] [datetime] not null constraint [df_logs_loggedondate]  default (getutcdate()),

	constraint [pk_logs] primary key clustered 


	Create InsertLog stored procedure

alter procedure [dbo].[InsertLog] 
	@level varchar(max),
	@callSite varchar(max),
	@type varchar(max),
	@message varchar(max),
	@stackTrace varchar(max),
	@innerException varchar(max),
	@additionalInfo varchar(max)

insert into dbo.Logs


Configure Target and Logger

We will now add configuration settings to have NLog call our dbo.InsertLog stored procedure.

Note: this is only showing the targets and rules nodes of the NLog.config

    <!-- database target -->
    <target name="database" 
            commandText="exec dbo.InsertLog
            <parameter name="@level" layout="${level}" />
            <parameter name="@callSite" layout="${callsite}" />
            <parameter name="@type" layout="${exception:format=type}" />
            <parameter name="@message" layout="${exception:format=message}" />
            <parameter name="@stackTrace" layout="${exception:format=stackTrace}" />
            <parameter name="@innerException" 
                        layout="${exception:format=:innerFormat=ShortType,Message,Method:MaxInnerExceptionLevel=1:InnerExceptionSeparator=}" />
            <parameter name="@additionalInfo" layout="${message}" />
    <!-- database logger -->
    <logger levels="Error,Warn,Fatal" name="databaseLogger" writeTo="database"/>

The target we created is named database with a target type of Database. We provide NLog as the name of the connection string that we want it to use (added in a previous step) and tell it to execute our stored procedure as it’s command text. The parameter data used when the stored procedure gets called is provided by the <parameter> nodes, which we set to NLog exception properties. Refer to the NLog project site for specifics on these properties.

The logger we created is named databaseLogger and it will log messages that have the logging severity level of Error, Warn, or Fatal (NLog severity levels from least to greatest are Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal). Our logger will use the database target that we added.

.NET Code

All we need to do now is write some .NET code that will use our configured target and logger. Create an instance of the Logger object provided by the NLog API by calling LogManager.GetLogger() and specifying that we want to use our new databaseLogger logger.

    int zero = 0;
    int result = 5 / zero;
catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
    // get a Logger object and log exception here using NLog. 
    // this will use the "databaseLogger" logger from our NLog.config file
    Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("databaseLogger");

    // add custom message and pass in the exception
    logger.Error(ex, "Whoops!");

If all went well a row should have been inserted into the dbo.Logs table with the exception data.

NLog database result